Accelerating the journey
to... Tableau Server




Sappi - Tableau Cloud migration case study


Being a trusted and innovative leader, Sappi continuously aims to further streamline the business and become more efficient.

With a three-split implementation of Tableau Server across different regions, consolidating their Tableau Server deployment was the right next step - as it would ultimately accelerate Sappi’s data journey towards a higher level of data maturity.

sappi logo

Sappi is a leading global provider of everyday materials made from woodfibre-based renewable resources. As a diversified, innovative and trusted leader focused on sustainable processes and products, they are building a more circular economy by making what they should, not just what they can.

data & tableau cloud at Sappi: customer story

Why Sappi wanted to consolidate their Tableau environments

For Sappi, understanding their business is key to success. Data presented in different layers provides key information that allows the organisation to further streamline the business and become more efficient.

Data as a driver

As the main data platform at Sappi, Tableau allows Sappi to present crucial business data layers in a format that is both understandable and allows for increased visibility on how the business is performing.

Multi-region Tableau Server

Initially, the implementation of Tableau at Sappi was split over three different regions, for historical and political reasons. It soon became clear that as long as each region had its own server, there was value to be gained by consolidating the three regional servers into a single, global server.

Fast, secure cloud migration

Consolidating those Tableau Server environments was the right next step, as it would ultimately accelerate Sappi’s data journey towards a higher level of data maturity. And that’s where TabMove as the right solution for the job came in.

"I would certainly recommend Biztory to any future companies planning a migration such as Sappi’s. Should we require any further services on our Tableau implementation, Sappi would not hesitate to use Biztory’s services again.

sappi logo Harry Byrne, Senior IT Applications Manager at Sappi

The Process

1. Migration Discovery

Biztory’s experience for migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud is extensive. This case was an exception, though. Sappi needed a Tableau Migration approach allowing the consolidation of their three environments into one. During a first, free discovery meeting, we ran Sappi through a series of questions and came up with a high-level estimate for the migration effort with TabMove.

2. TabMove Simulation

During a deep dive audit and fully remote workshop, we got hands-on access to Sappi's team and server environments. While applying our proven methodology, we ran a final dry-run of our TabMove solution, simulating the full scope of Sappi's migration to a consolidated Tableau environment.

3. Migrating

Once the full scope was agreed on, and after our delivery model was validated during the simulation, it was time for the official migration to take place. Here, the migration squad used TabMove as the solution for the move from the original three Tableau Server environments, to a single one.


Consolidating their Tableau environments would provide Sappi with a trouble-free, high performing single global environment. The increased manageability of that single environment would also provide faster access to new features, ensure scalability and allow Sappi to implement the latest security measures.

Biztory was suggested as an option by the Salesforce Tableau customer services division in the Sappi quarterly product update sessions. Based on Biztory’s proven track record with TabMove, it became the logical choice.

Other than some minor planned downtime during the migration, the journey to a single Tableau environment was a non-event with very minimal disturbance to the business. A thorough understanding of Sappi’s installation, what they wanted to do, and then formulating the migration plan according to their needs were all key factors for success. 

The Results...


Workbooks & content migrated from 3 Tableau Server to a single one


Users migrated from 3 Tableau Server to a single environment.


Days. That's all it took to complete the full migration of that content.


Faster migration speed was achieved with TabMove, saving 12 working days.

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